Monday, December 8, 2014


I struggle, at times, to get out of my own head.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


God made souls to put into his human creation so that they can live. Then, when we die, our souls go back to him? Doesn't make any sense to me.

Maybe God doesn't have any souls to start with. Maybe the earth is just a factory God made to manufacture souls with a quality check, "good" souls go to heaven where they are sold in a galactic store, while "bad" souls are rejected to the eternal furnace to be burned forever.

Gods' laws are just there to maximize output.

Saturday, December 29, 2012


No guns. Simple.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Yes, I voted. If you don't you're not a real American. Not everyone I voted for won but that's the way the process works and why it works. So if you have a chance to vote, find out about your choices, and vote.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Time Banks

Read an article today on NPR website about Time Banks in Spain. Their economy is pretty bad, 25% unemployment. There are not many jobs so people have started to join Time Banks set up as a way to trade time worked for services from other time bank members. It's like bartering but with a third party manager.

Very cool idea. No money is transfered, only time. Every job is considered equal, with one hour of any service equal to one hour of any other service. Excellent idea. It means anyone's time is equivalent to anyone else's time. No job is considered better or more important than another's.

It's too bad that it takes a bad economy for something like this to catch on. It's not so much about the money anymore but more about community and actual need. It highlights skills and the idea of helping your neighbors. You don't mind painting, your neighbor loves gardening. Why shouldn't you be able to help each other out so you can both benefit. You love working on cars, you need someone to teach your child math. Find those connections in the Time Bank. Excellent.

Should be available in any economy. A+ for people of Spain.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I've learned how to get a job and how to contribute at that job but I never really learned how to make money.

I also never figured out what I am really passionate about. As soon as I think I have it, something else distracts me or I feel like I wouldn't be able to support myself let alone my family doing it.

Fear can be a paralyzing thing.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


I was watching one of those ghost hunter shows and they mentioned that at one location people claimed to see a headless ghost. My problem with that is, assuming ghosts could exist, is that the soul or spirit is believed to reside in the brain. If so, I don't see how or why the ghost would be headless. Wouldn't the ghost still go around the way it was aware of itself no matter how the person died?